December 9, 2024

Megan Fudge
By Alice Tym
Marital Status: Married to Ryler DeHeart; two children, JR, 8, and Lily, 9
Hometown: Full-time RVer now, but born in Germany
Collegiate Career: Played tennis for the University of Illinois, majoring in Sports Management and Communications
Ranking: #1 on The APP Tour
Favorite Tournament: US Open and International Monsoon Open in Mumbai, India
You were a standout tennis player for the University of Illinois. Do you still play?
Three years ago, I started playing pickleball. My husband was a tennis pro and we started playing pickleball because it was so much fun to play as a couple. We started playing Tuesday nights, then Thursday, then Saturday—it was just way more fun. But tennis was an identity for my husband. He was in the top 200 in the world. The pickleball players were just too good not to be all in. We became pickleball pros and left tennis.
What is the most important thing your college tennis coach ever told you?
My coach, Michelle Dasso, was a competitor. She believed in never being out of the fight. I never give up.
What is your best shot in pickleball?
My two-handed backhand. It comes from tennis, but there are things I had to unlearn from tennis. I was a chip-and-charge player. Now I use more topspin than I did in tennis. I use the continental grip less than I did in tennis.
Growing up in Germany, what values did you acquire from the culture?
They have an incredible work ethic. Attention to detail. Never be late.
What’s the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard?
My kids’ laughter brings joy to me.
Do you train outside of playing?
I do train off the court and work out in a gym. I use the app by Dr. Erik Korem called Aim7 to work on my strength and explosiveness.
In what direction is pickleball headed? Predict the future for me.
Global growth is the next big thing. Growth is Asia is insane. Australia, India, China are all growing. I went to seven cities in China in June for two weeks. I’ll be in Vietnam and Thailand in December. I do workshops and play tournaments. Pickleball needs to expand more in Europe. I have done workshops in Germany. The infrastructure is more influenced by padel.
Do you like rally scoring?
I am not opposed to it if it gains fans. The APP Tour used it in singles. It shortens the game.
What changes would you like to see on the pro tour?
Efficient drug testing and paddle testing. Line calling by camera or a method to get it right so that it takes the pressure off the players.
If you had a signature custom paddle made, what would you name it?
The Fudgsicle.
What is the best book you’ve read?
“Stay Hard” by David Goggins. There is some foul language, but it is his story of mental toughness.
If one color defined your life, what would it be?
Green. I feel connected and balanced. Green connects me to the world.
What person most influenced your character?
My mom. Growing up she traveled with me. She took me all over Europe and cheered me on. She was there to catch me too.
What’s the one thing no one knows about you?
I went to boarding school at 15. I went to Millfield in the U.K. to expand my tennis. It was like Harry Potter’s Hogwarts. England has a deep-seated tradition in sports and sportsmanship. •